Indiana Conservative Candidates Christian Voting Guide

Conservative Candidates US Congress Indiana

Mark Leyva - 1st District Congress
Jackie Walorski - 2nd District Congress
Susan Brooks - 5th District (New) Congress
Luke Messer -6th District Congress
Catherine Ping - 7th District Congress
Larry Kaifesh - 8th District Congress

Chris Lytle Indiana State Senate in District 28, New Palestine

Christian Voting Guide 2014 Election Conservative Candidates

Use the Christian voting guide for the 2014 election to determine who are the best pro life conservative candidates are.

Religious leaders often overly restrict their speech and actions because they simply don't know what they legally can and cannot say or do. The Alliance Defense Fund has written Pastor Guideline Letter to educate Christian leaders on their broad U.S. constitutional right to speak out. Consider adding a personal note of encouragement to your pastor or priest to not keep silent on the divisive issues facing our culture.


Arizona Senator Candidates 2014

Florida Senator Candidates 2014

Massachusetts Senator Candidates 2014


Campaign Hint and Tips: Target Women Voters

Many political campaigns have a limited budget and are looking for the most cost effective way to get their name and theme to people. Of special interest are methods that leve a lasting positive impression. One very effective method that works very well with women voters are Patriotic and Political Campaign Emery Boards. Emery boards are very useful, many hair studios and salons will pass them out and every time they are used it leaves a positive impression. They are low cost and can even be included in mailings.


Christian Citizens

Christian Citizens - America's Christian Heritage