Governor Candidates for Delaware Governor Election Race

Presidential Primary Election: April 26, 2016

State Primary: September 13, 2016

Presidential Election Day: Nov. 8, 2016


Delaware Governor


Delaware Governor Candidates 2016

John Carney (D)
Colin Bonini (R)
Lacey Lafferty (R)

Lieutenant Governor:

Brad Eaby (D)
Greg Fuller (D)
Bethany Hall-Long (D)
Kathy McGuiness (D)
Ciro Poppiti (D)
Pete Schwartzkopf (D)
Sherry Dorsey Walker (D)

Delaware Candidates for Congress

Delaware Congress Candidates
Delaware Congressional Candidates

At Large:
Sean Barney (D)
Mike Miller (D)
Collin O'Mara (D)
Lisa Blunt Rochester (D)
Bryon Short (D)
Bryan Townsend (D)
Dennis Williams (D)
Fred Cullis (R)
Rose Izzo (R)
Ian MacFadyen (R)
Hans Reigle (R)
Scott Gesty (Libertarian)

History of Delaware. Information that every Delaware Election Candidates for US Governor and Congress Should Know:

Delaware's history is a long and proud one. Early explorations of our coastline were made by the Spaniards and Portuguese in the sixteenth century, by Henry Hudson in 1609 under the auspices of the Dutch, by Samuel Argall in 1610, by Cornelius May in 1613, and by Cornelius Hendricksen in 1614.

During a storm, Argall was blown off course and sailed into a strange bay which he named in honor of his governor. It is doubtful that Lord De La Warr ever saw, or explored, the bay, river, and state which today bears his name. In 1631, 11 years after the landing of the English pilgrims at Plymouth, Massachusetts, the first white settlement was made on Delaware soil.

A group of Dutchmen formed a trading company headed by Captain David Pietersen de Vries for the purpose of enriching themselves from the New World. The expedition of about 30 individuals sailed from the town of Hoorn under the leadership of Captain Peter Heyes in the ship De Walvis (The Whale). Their settlement, called Zwaanendael, meaning valley of swans, was located near the present town of Lewes on the west bank of the Lewes Creek, today the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal.

Arriving in the New World in 1632 to visit the colony, Captain de Vries found the settlers had been killed and their buildings burned by the Indians.

This settlement is commemorated by the Zwaanendael Museum in Lewes.

No further attempts at colonization were made on Delaware soil until 1638, when the Swedes established their colony near present-day Wilmington. This was the first permanent European settlement in the Delaware Valley. The first expedition, consisting of two ships, Kalmar Nyckel (Key of Kalmar) and Vogel Grip (Griffen), under the leadership of Peter Minuit, landed about March 29. The location of the first Swedish settlement was at "The Rocks," on the Christina River, near the foot of Seventh Street. A fort was built called Fort Christina after the young queen of Sweden, and the river was likewise named for her.

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