PA Senate Candidates for Pennsylvania Senator Election Race
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Presidential and State Primary - April 26, 2016
Pennsylvania SenatorBob Casey Jr. (D) - Next Election is in 2018 PA Candidates for CongressDistrict 1: District 2: District 3: District 4: District 5: District 6: District 7: District 8: District 9: District 10: District 11: District 12: District 13: District 14: District 15: District 16: District 17: District 18:
List of Pennsylvania Presidential Delegates for PresidentFor President vote for conservative Ron Paul, or Newt Gingrich, or Rick SantorumThen vote for presidential delegates to go to the convention. For a list of conservative delegates for President, see list:
Assuming you will vote for conservative Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, or Rick Santorum, not liberal Mitt Romney, it would be good to elect conservative presidential delegates. Note you vote for only 3 Delegates in your congressional district and 3 alternates :
Note that - D = Delegate, A = Alternate
** District 1 -
Dale Kerns Jr. D,
Tom Boggia D,
Vote for 3 Delegates only in your Congressional District, and 3 Alternates. In 1979, as Reagan began a second run at the nomination, he locked up conservative Republican leader Lewis support early. George H.W. Bush defeated Reagan in the popular vote in Pennsylvania's primary. But Lewis had recruited delegate candidates carefully, and made sure voters knew their names. "When all the shouting was done," Gerow said, "Ronald Reagan won the delegate count."
Forward this slate of conservative candidates, help elect Conservatives. History of Pennsylvania. Information that every Pennsylvania Election Candidates for US Senate Should Know:Rich in historic lore, Pennsylvania territory was disputed in the early 1600s among the Dutch, the Swedes, and the English. England acquired the region in 1664 with the capture of New York, and in 1681 Pennsylvania was granted toWilliam Penn, a Quaker, by King Charles II. Philadelphia was the seat of the federal government almost continuously from 1776 to 1800; there the Declaration of Independance was signed in 1776 and the U.S. Constitution drawn up in 1787. Valley Forge and Gettysburg are both in Pennsylvania. The Liberty Belll is located in a glass pavilion across from Independence Hall in Philadelphia. The nation's first oil well was dug at Titusville in 1859, and the mining of iron ore and coal led to the development of the state's steel industry. More recently Pennsylvania's industry has diversified, although the state still leads the country in the production of specialty steel. The service, retail trade, and manufacturing sectors provide the most jobs; Pennsylvania is a leader in the production of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, food products, and electronic equipment.
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