Voter Information Vermont - Gubernatorial Election Race for Governor

Presidential Primary: March 1, 2016
State Primary: August 9, 2016

Election Day: November 8, 2016

Candidates for Governor of Vermont 2016

Vermont Governor Candidates
Vermont Governor Gubernatorial Candidates

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Vermont Governor Election Race

Matt Dunne (D)
Peter Galbraith (D)
Sue Minter (D)
H. Brooke Paige (D)
Dan Feliciano (R)
Bruce Lisman (R)
Neale Lunderville (R)
Phil Scott (R)
Anthony Pollina (Progressive)
Cris Ericson (Independent)

Vermont Lieutenant Governor Candidates

Randy Brock (R)
Scott Milne (R)
Garrett Graff (D)
Kesha Ram (D)
Brandon Riker (D)
David Zuckerman (D/Progressive)

Vermont Congress At Large

Peter Welch (D)

History of Vermont - Every Election Governor Candidate of Vermont Should Know

The first European known to have entered the area that is now Vermont was Samuel de Champlain, who, after beginning the colonization of Quebec, journeyed south with a Huron war party in 1609 to the beautiful lake to which he gave his name. The French did not attempt any permanent settlement until 1666, when they built a fort and a shrine to Ste Anne on the Isle La Motte in Lake Champlain. However, this and later French settlements were abandoned, and until well into the 18th cent. the region was something of a no-man's-land. Benning Wentworth and the New Hampshire Grants
Fort Dummer, built (1724) by the English near the site of Brattleboro, is considered the first permanent settlement in what is now Vermont. However, Vermont's history may be said to have really begun in 1741, when Benning Wentworth became royal governor of New Hampshire. According to his commission New Hampshire extended west across the Merrimack River until it met “with our [i.e., the king's] other Governments.” Since the English crown had never publicly proclaimed the eastern limits of the colony of New York, this vague description bred considerable confusion.

Wentworth, assuming that New York's modified boundary with Connecticut and Massachusetts (20 mi/32 km E of the Hudson River) would be extended even farther north, made (1749) the first of the New Hampshire Grants—the township called Bennington—to a group that included his relatives and friends. However, New York claimed that its boundary extended as far east as the Connecticut River, and Gov. George Clinton of New York (father of Sir Henry Clinton) promptly informed Governor Wentworth that he had no authority to make such a grant. Wentworth thereupon suggested that the dispute between New York and New Hampshire over control of Vermont be referred to the crown. The outbreak of the last of the French and Indian Wars in 1754 briefly suspended interest in the area, but after the British captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point in 1759, Wentworth resumed granting land in the area of present Vermont.

In 1764 the British authorities upheld New York's territorial claim to Vermont. New York immediately tried to assert its jurisdiction—Wentworth's grants were declared void, and new grants (for the same lands) were issued by the New York authorities. Those who held their lands from New Hampshire resisted, and a hot controversy, long in the making, now exploded. New York and New Hampshire land speculators had the most at stake, with the New Hampshire grantees, first on the scene, having the advantage. Regional pride among the New England settlers played a large part in creating resistance to New York authority. Chief among the leaders of this resistance was Ethan Allen, who organized the Green Mountain Boys. New York courts were forcibly broken up, and armed violence was directed against New Yorkers until the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775, when the British became the major threat and common enemy.

Why we should say no to Government Run Health Care

The Democrat health care reform model will instead, limit patient choices, put government between the physician and patient, interfere with patient care decisions and burden Americans with huge long-term cost in the trillions of dollars!

Before we allow one-fifth of our economy to be nationalized, there must be careful consideration and open debate costs, less availability of care and services and the use of quality of life formulas to save money not lives.

Most Americans do not want a Big Brother, distant overseer making life and death decisions about their health. Government run health care may eventually be able to cover most people---but it will be with little care. Bureaucracy by its very nature is not a compassionate body

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