Wisconsin Christian Voting Guide |
Wisconsin Christian Voting Guide 2014 Election Conservative CandidatesAdditional information is provided on several election races, click here for list of good candidates for most states: Christian Voting Guide Wisconsin Gubernatorial Christian Candidates 2014Scott Walker (R) Wisconsin Pro Life and Christian Conservative CandidatesWisconsin Congressional Candidates District 1: District 2: District 3: District 4: District 5: District 6: District 7: District 8: Wisconsin Senatorial Christian Candidates NewsSen. Ron Johnson Sen. Tammy Baldwin Encourage people in your church to vote. With poor participation in the voting process by the average member, the voice of Christian culture is not very strong. Need to encourage every one in your church to simply go vote. A simple way to do that is to place a short announcement in your church bulletin. People need to be encouraged to vote for governor, senator, congress in the upcoming congressional elections. Copy and send to your church secretary now. Wisconsin Christian Candidates 2014When we see the good that results from applying God's principles, and the horror that results from rejecting them, doesn't it seem cruel and irresponsible to keep Jesus teachings about truth, love and compassion to ourselves? At very least, we should vote to keep OUT of office those who attempt to oppose God's authority. These links have comprehensive information on the Ten Commandments of God in Exodus 20. The Ten Commandments, Ten Commandments Exodus After the Exodus from Egypt, the Children of Israel were given the Ten Commandments. In Egypt, scholars did the Septuagint translation. Ten Commandments Septuagint and Ten Commandments of God 10 Commandments Read The Ten Commandments News Arizona Senator Candidates 2014 Florida Senator Candidates 2014 Massachusetts Senator Candidates 2014 Campaign Hint and Tips: Target Women Voters Christian Citizens One of America's Founding Principles
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